A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

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Ever wondered  what it's like to be the head of the world's most important financial institution? Ever thought that you can run the world better than the shmucks doing it right now? Ever stayed up late researching international financial institutions and being upset they never made games about things you were interested in? Well, International Monetary Fun (IMFun) is the game for you!

Step into the shoes of the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund and try to slow down the world quickly revolving around you. Approve projects, negotiate defaults, and watch election results as you experience the utter banality of the day-to-day decisions which affect the lives and deaths of tens of millions.

IMFun features...

  • Almost-completely randomized events every single run, where two runs starting from the same time and place can diverge wildly into completely different futures.
  • Biting analysis of contemporary economic, climate, and political issues.
  • Excellent writing, ranging from placid cynicism to bewildered confusion depending on your actions.
  • 7 different endings, ranging from climate catastrophe to Communist World Revolution, and even the elusive "New World Order" ending...
  • A secret gambling minigame.
  • 8 different types of coups!

Don't take my word for it! Check out these reviews:

I adore how cynical this game is. 

- Victoria III's Design Lead

This looks really cool lol

- "Ettingermentum"

it keeps saying its a trojan virus lmao

The IMF is a cancer. 

I need to gamble. 


welcome to the new world order

i only just now realized international monetary fun was a play on the imf being the international monetary fund

i love electoral interference in third world countries

-Various playtesters and early viewers


In order to start this executable, users may have to use the following command:

  $ chmod +x ~/path/to/IMFun

For Linux users who somehow don't know how to run a Linux executable, just do:

  $ ./path/to/IMFun


  • If the game says it is unable to run because the "playsound" module isn't install, then install it through the following command:

  $ pip install playsound

  • If this fails to install however, the following sequence of commands should most likely fix the issue

  $ pip install --upgrade pip

  $ pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel

  $ pip install playsound

If any other bugs are noticed, then either contact me (s_dedalus on Discord), or Gwen (who did the Linux version) through Discord (gwf_hegel), Twitter (@4BCommunist), or email (gwenhasswog@gmail.com).

Published 2 days ago
PlatformsWindows, Linux
Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
GenreSimulation, Interactive Fiction
TagsAlternate History, Economy, international, political, Roguelike, Short, Story Rich, Text based
Average sessionAbout an hour
AccessibilityColor-blind friendly, High-contrast


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

IMFun.exe 32 MB
IMFun 173 MB

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